Piece #17 – Feeling Blue?

1-Candy apple red door 002Piece #17 – Feeling Blue?

Paint something red…..


I completed seven professional development classes online in six months.  Now let’s face it –  when I was a college student this would not have impressed me.  But now that I am a wife, mom, and teacher, I have to say I am proud of my forays as a student.

But now what?

During these months I grew used to the long hours required on the computer and the deadlines looming ahead of me. 

It’s not like I don’t have lots to do. It’s just that this has been something challenging for me to do on my own.  It wasn’t about the boys or our home.  It was about me growing.

…and now I have been feeling blue. 

Shuffling around things in the basement I came across the Candy Apple Red “oops” paint that I found on clearance at a home improvement store. 


I started to paint.  No…not on a canvas.  A door. 

It’s the interior side door of our house. You know, the not as pretty one that everyone uses instead of the front door.  The white one. After the first coat the door appeared almost pink….yes, this made the males I live with a little nervous… and I wasn’t sure it was a good idea….

But then it started being fun.  I don’t know how many coats it now has on it.  It is not a perfect example of the proper way to paint.  I just started rolling on the paint.  A few places are uneven, and there may even be some visible paint strokes  (SHOCK). 

But regardless, there is something uplifting about this bold, surprising pop of color. 

How could anything with the name “candy apple red” not cheer you up?  When has color impacted your mood?

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